Ships. As she looked back at the gate, she saw the others had followed her into this new dimension. She wasn’t sure if they were friends or enemies, but it didn’t matter at this point. They were all here, now, and there was no going back. I decided to try a couple more radial blossoms and continue the story from the first one, here . I also used reticula patterns in-between the arms of the lower, Ix blossom. I started with E15 from the Zentangle Primer and just expanded on it.
Butterfly bones. Every time I look at this tile, I feel like it‘s a drawing of the remains of a butterfly or a moth. This tile includes one of my original tangles: Barbd. Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Bristol Vellum using a black Micron pen. Tangles: Barbd Black Box Bridgen Carrés Caterpillar Cheesecloth Circfleur Five Oh Florz Keeko Locar
It‘s a star. The string in this tangle started out as a star and then warped into what you see here after the random tangles were chosen. Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Bristol Vellum using a black Micron pen. Tangles: Baton Carrés Circfleur Diva Dance Floo Munchin Nzeppel OOF Pearlz Prestwood Stiritup
Imagination. Part of this reminds me of a bird in flight. It sticks in my mind, even though it‘s only a hint. But every time I see it, I can‘t unthink the bird! Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Vellum Bristol using a black Micron pen. Tangles: Beadlines Brax Circfleur Flutter Bi Flying Geese Pearlz Phicops Springkle