Butterfly bones. Every time I look at this tile, I feel like it‘s a drawing of the remains of a butterfly or a moth. This tile includes one of my original tangles: Barbd. Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Bristol Vellum using a black Micron pen. Tangles: Barbd Black Box Bridgen Carrés Caterpillar Cheesecloth Circfleur Five Oh Florz Keeko Locar
It‘s a star. The string in this tangle started out as a star and then warped into what you see here after the random tangles were chosen. Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Bristol Vellum using a black Micron pen. Tangles: Baton Carrés Circfleur Diva Dance Floo Munchin Nzeppel OOF Pearlz Prestwood Stiritup
What do you see? I love this tile. I‘ve had a blast asking people what they see when they look at it. I‘ve gotten a lot of different answers. What makes this tile work so well is all the contrasting areas that are well balanced across the tile. The patterns are all fairly bold, and have areas of dark and light. Zentangle drawing done with Micron pen on Strathmore Vellum Bristol . Tangles: A-Dalfa Carrés Diva Dance Florz Footprints Sabi Twiggy