I’ve been working on a new friend while watching TV. I’ve had this fabric for quite a while. And I actually have quite a bit of it. I like using it for this one, because this animal will be a midwestern, all American type girl. The red, white and blue spots will be perfect. I think I’ll name her Bessie.
Today, you get to meet Katie Yoté. She is a coyote character, based on the Tilda Friends Fox pattern ! Her body and limbs are the same shapes as the cat pattern, with a different shaped head and ears. This means their clothing will be interchangeable. At first, I just painted her eyes. But she didn’t look quite right. After a bit of looking at photos of real coyotes, I decided to paint her nose, also.
Up until now, the Entanglement library has provided a few tangle elements and a few tangles, which you could draw onto your canvas. But real Zentangles have a border, and might be round or triangular instead of square. To make this easier to do, Entanglement now has the Zentangle class. This is the top-level class you should use to define what your Zentangle should look like. Here is an example using it.
Yesterday, all you could see was the wrong side of the fabric. Now you can see the right side. I bet you didn’t guess what critter this is yet! No, not another cat. I am only making one of each animal, for the time being. Hint: Her name will be Katie.
I’m working on another Tilda Friends ! I plan to make an entire zoo, because they go together very easily! And all the clothes I make will be interchangeable. In this image, you get to guess what it will be. Hint: you are looking at the wrong side of the fabric. Did you figure it out yet?
I’m pleased to introduce Ashley, a Tilda Friends cat doll. I’ve known about Tilda patterns for several years, but since I wasn’t sewing, I hadn’t given them a try. I was surfing the web the other day, and came across a series of FREE patterns for several animals and one human doll, in the Tilda Friends series! There are eight in all: Cat, Fox, Dog, Giraffe, Elephant, Hare and Cow, along with the Fia Doll.
Recently I did a post about the Ambler tangle in the Entanglement library. Ambler uses an element called a box spiral. It turns out, box spirals appear in several tangles, most notably the Box Spirals tangle. In this post, we’ll talk about the Entanglement BoxSpiral class, which implements the Box Spirals tangle. The box spiral used in Ambler as it is implemented in Entanglement is very specific. It consists of nine lines, and always rotates counter-clockwise.
It seems like forever since I was able to take my micro art kit to Starbucks or a small restaurant and work on my tiny art journal! I love this little bag because it’s just big enough to hold everything I need, including a nice set of colored pencils! As a bonus, the little bag will fit in the pocket of my cargo pants or jacket! This is at The Raven, in Prescott.
These are meant to go under the wings I showed you on Tuesday . Stitching all the lines, using a stem stitch and embroidery thread has turned out to be much more tedious than I had planned on. I’m going to finish these, but I probably won’t use this style again. But it does look nice! #artdoll #pixiedoll #wings #dressupdoll #sewing #patterns
I’ve been playing around with various wing concepts. This is a first trial run of one of them. What do you think? #artdoll #pixiedoll #wings #dressupdoll #sewing #patterns
The Entanglement library now supports Ambler! This officially doubles the number of tangles it can produce! Two tangles! Progress! OK, so two tangles isn’t really all that many, but still! Progress! Using Entanglement to draw a basic Ambler is easy. Here’s the program that generated the image at the top of this page: const height = 600; const width = 600; function setup() { createCanvas(width, height); background(255); } function draw() { let amb = new Ambler(width, height, {}); amb.
Pixies need wings to fly. Making templates and playing with ideas here. #artdoll #pixiedoll #dressupdoll #sewing #patterns
Hippie Bus
A while back, I posted a pair of pants that I made for Tuna. I mentioned, in the post, that many years ago, I created a “growable” dress for my oldest granddaughter with some of the fabric. On the front of the dress, there was an machine embroidered and appliqued “hippie bus”. Last weekend, while I was putting away all the fabric in the new storage drawers, I came across the first run of the design.
The wall of drawers is completed! I’m quite happy with the results. Before, all of the fabric was living in stacked bins on the floor. So every time I wanted a piece, I would have to unstack them and dig through the layers to find what I wanted. Now, all I have to do is pull open the drawer for the color I want! In each drawer, the fabric is folded and set on edge, so it’s like looking through a lateral file.
We have been using the p5.js Javascript library. Several p5.js functions take a color as a parameter. For example, you might call background(color) to set the background color, stroke(color) to set the color used to draw lines, or fill(color) to set the color used to fill in shapes. In our past examples, we’ve set various colors, but we haven’t always done so consistently. So how do you set colors in p5.
Even a snail gets to where it’s going eventually! All the drawer units are built and put into place. They’ve been cleaned, and there’s now room on the table to lay out the fabric so it can be organized and put into the drawers. Guess what I’ll be doing all day!