I skipped over pants and shorts to get to the T-Shirt, so that my doll would have a top to go with her skirt. I chose a varigated yarn that I thought would match the skirt. IRL, it matches better than the photographs. The color changes didn’t work out as well as I hoped… I wanted the turquoise up higher on the shirt so it had a different color right next to the blue. However, this isn’t terrible.
The top was VERY easy to make. You work back-and-forth rows for the top half. This creates and opening so you can put the shirt on the doll.
The bottom part is worked in continuous rounds.

Here, you can see the back opening and, if you look carefully, you can see the button-and-loop closure at the top of the neck.
I will be making more T-shirts. They were so easy to do, it will be fun to have several to go with different skirts and shorts!
#crochet #amigurumi #amigurumidoll #crochetyou #crochetdoll