This is Toby Faraday. He’s an old, curmogenly type who’s currently trying to figure out where he put his glasses. They’re probably sitting on his desk, in his study, but he can’t find them… because he’s not wearing them!
This impkin has Type 2 Arms* with the Standing Body Type 2*, which is my personal favorite. He also has a Panel Belly*, Cat Ears* and a Cat Tail*.
Toby is often seen with one of his collection of scarves because he’s always too cold. The Scarf* in this case was made using warm, fall colors.
This retired professor of electric magnetism likes to spend most of his time in his study, writing his memoirs, drinking catnip tea, and enjoying tuna curry sandwiches.
*These patterns are in the “Crochet Impkins” book, by Megan Lapp.
#crochetbook #impkinbook #craftyintentions #crochetpattern #amigurumi