Welcome to 2024!
I am beginning my year by going back to my roots. I realize, it may seem strange to go backwards to go forward. This year, however, I want to continue doing things that worked for me, while leaving behind the things that didn’t.
One of these is my tiny art journals. I love them because they give me just enough space to do a bit of journaling, keep track of some things that I need/want to remember and just enough room to create a small art piece. They are fun to do, and don’t take up a lot of time.

The basis of these journals is the four small booklets. Each one consists of 4 pieces of mixed media paper and a small piece of scrapbook paper. They are stacked, stapled in the center and folded in half.
If you are participating in the Micro Art Journaling group on Facebook, these booklets are all you really need, in addition to whatever art supplies you desire.

Since I have been doing this for years now, I turn my micro art journals into a system using the Traveler’s Notebook style.

I create a cover for the whole month’s worth of tiny books using a laminated piece of scrapbook paper, cut to the correct size. I like to use eyelets for the holes where I string the elastic because it reinforces them. This makes the covers last longer allowing me to use them repeatedly.

I try to use doublesided scrapbook paper. But I have used some that is not. If it is initally plain white on the inside, I stamp, paint and decorate it before it is laminated.

I also create a pocket folder for each booklet. I use these to protect the covers, and to give me places to tuck in various pieces of paper, notes, stickers, etc.

The folders are wrapped around each booklet and then they are inserted under one of the elastic bands in the center of the cover, just like any normal Traveler’s Notebook.
I love using this system. I can grab my travel art set, which consists of a glue stick, pencil, pitt drawing pen, and watercolor dots book with travel brush and I can go anywhere and create art on location. If I am going out of town, it takes up only a tiny space in my luggage or carry bag.
At the end of the month, I can take out the tiny booklets and archive them and just make a new set to continue using the same cover and folders.
Or, I can leave the set all together, and simply make a new set for the next month’s artistic adventures!
#microart #microartjournal #miniatureartjournal #miniartjournal #miniatureart #tinyjournalnation #allthingstiny #allthingsminiature #microartjournaling #tinyartjournal #travelersnotebook