I made this doll quite a while ago. The pattern is from the MadeByMiculinko Shop on Etsy. She’s a 27-inch, Tilda-style doll.
I wasn’t completely happy with her, but I did start a dress from the Little Black Dress pattern from the same store.

It ended up taking much longer to complete than I had initially planned because I ended up doing quite a bit of handwork on it. The dress is completely lined.
I love this fabric. It gives the dress a little bit of a corporate CEO kind of vib. But the top-stitching is all but invisible because it blended right in with the fabric. It’s there, but you just don’t notice it.
Also, you may remember, that she had no hair, just a wreath of ribbon roses. Now, she has black, curly hair courtesy of the inside of a sock! I love that I was able to reuse something that would have gone into the trash! I love it so much, I’m going to go raid the sock drawers for more!
Next I have to make her a pair of shoes to go with this outfit. I have some prototypes, so we’ll have to see what works out best.