Personally, I only wear a few pairs of shoes. I’m not into having a different pair for every outfit. My shoes are functional, not decorative.
For my dolls, however, I have an entirely different philosophy. There is no such thing as “too many shoes”. They simply MUST have a different pair for every change of clothing!
This doll has what I refer to as “ballet feet”. Basically, she looks like she is standing on pointe. Actually, her feet are non-existant. One of the reasons I’ve chosen to make her is to tackle the challenge of making shoes… when there are no feet shapes.
The original Koala and Mila pattern comes with a pattern for what the author refers to as “Trainers.” To me, they are a bit like high-top tennis shoes.
The instructions did not call for the ribbon ties and buttons. Instead, the ties are sewn, by machine, using a satin stich. While the original idea is cute, I decided to expand the concept.
On the other hand, the contrasting toe and the side stitching IS part of the original pattern.
I sort of did myself no favors. Because the buttons are rather fat, and near the edge, the shoe had to be sewn around before sewing on the buttons. That made getting them attached a bit fiddly, but somehow I managed it.
So, I like these, but while making them I thought of several other ways to make High-Tops, so Tuna will probably end up with more variations on this style!
#artdoll #catdoll #dressupdoll #sewing #koalaandmilapatterns