As I was going through all of my bits and pieces of fabric to find some to make masks, I was thinking about what colors and patterns would be best.
When I was talking to my husband, he mentioned that he didn’t care as long as “It didn’t have pink flowers.” Well, yeah! I was planning on picking things that were more “him”, than what I chose for myself.
I came across this piece of fabric in one of my bins. I purchased it, originally, to make a summer top for myself. There isn’t a lot of yardage in the piece, so I decided that it would make perfect masks. For one thing, it had a dark background, which I knew would appeal to Hubs, and the bright colors which are happy and fun.
He wore this mask while picking up a to-go food order yesterday. Later he said “First time out wearing the new mask… it was a hit! The chef asked me about it!” Cool!
I’m thinking that I will make more that are fun, cheerful, with bright colors. Perhaps they will brighten up the days of the people who see them!
Stay well!