We go out walking or bike riding, early in the morning, now that we are stuck at home. It’s good exercise, and being out in the morning sun helps to elevate mood and keep us happy.
Along our walking path, we have found many “works of art”. I was thinking you might like to see some of them!
On yesterday’s walk, we took a different route, just for a change of scenery, and we came across these chalk-art paintings on either side of the driveway at one of the neighbor’s homes.

It looks like these were created by putting down masking tape in a pleasing pattern, then filling in the shapes with various colors. I love the color combinations and in one spot, it almost looks like there is a face!
I don’t know if they did this out of boredom, for fun, or just to try something new. I have to say, however, that it made my day brighter and happier!
Stay safe! Stay well!