While we are in the PT (Pandemic Time), I am, like many others, having trouble concentrating on long-term projects. I am finding myself drawn to new and different things that I hadn’t previously considered. For example, I tried knitting an stuffie. It went well, until I got to the head. I want to knit the “hair” as I am knitting the head. I keep loosing my pattern count and I still don’t have a completed head, although I’ve started over many times.
The picture above is of a watercolor experiment that I did over a year ago for the Tiny Museum class from Daisy Yellow. It is a little less than 3" wide x 2" high. I managed to cram a lot of detail in a very small space.
Fast forward a year and a few months…
Recently I discovered the slow stitching movement. Yes, I know I’m behind the curve, but there’s a reason. When we down-sized, I made the decision that I really didn’t want to sew any more. I had been doing it since I was a child, sewing, quilting, studying fashion and costume design, making everything from intimate wear to wedding gowns. I was tired, burned out, and it wasn’t “fun”.
This is an example of a vest that I made in the late 70s. It is a combination of hand and machine sewing, new and antique fabrics and trims.

I’m kind of itching to sew again. I think it’s because in times like these, we return to our roots. To the things we know. Those things bring us comfort and security.
But I don’t have a sewing machine, fabric, thread, needles, no supplies to speak of here. Where I live is under a Stay-at-Home order, so I can’t just run out to the thrift store.
So, I am wondering if I can use what I do have at hand, and the artistic skills that I inherently have to create a mindful practice that incorporates the concept of slow stitching, but with different materials?
I am going to start exploring this concept and I’ll let you know what progress I’m making.