As I mentioned yesterday, I’m working with the colors Teal, Yellow and Grey this week.
I decided to do a layout in my micro art journal. As I was looking for papers in the appropriate color scheme, I came across this big yellow partial circle shape in a magazine. I didn’t know what I was going to do with it, but I cut it out and set it aside.
Then I came across this bus, which was absolutely perfect. I cut it out, and loved it against the yellow background.
Once I had my focal point chosen, I looked at the fronts and backs of the magazine pages and came across the words “explore” and “this” in the color scheme… Perfect!
I gathered up all of my magazine parts and using Liquatex Matte Medium I began painting with paper across the layout. The background strips were added first on both sides.
Then I positioned the large, yellow piece. I realized that I could use the image of the lemon to complete the missing part of the circle and filled that area in with more yellow pieces.
Finally, I added the bus and the two word pieces. I set the whole thing aside to dry for a while.
When I came back to the layout, I realized that I needed a few more things here. To begin with, I needed to blend some areas into others to make a more cohesive look. For this I used a small amount of paint and some colored pencil.
I used a stencil to add some white dots for more texture.
I knew I wanted the tree, hikers and the additional “Be brave” words, so I stamped them on deli paper.When the ink was dry and set, I tore around the stamped designs and used more matte medium to add them to the page. One advantage to stamping on deli paper is that you can flip the image over so that it’s reversed and glue it down that way. It looks just as good. The hikers stamp was reversed here.
A bit more colored pencil finished the layout.
So, you don’t need to have every tube of paint, or every art supply in the store. This is a good example of using junk mail, small scraps of paper, old magazine pages and a Talbot’s clothing catalog to create a tiny work of art!
Give painting with paper a try!
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