I’m tackling an older (from January) color challenge this week: Teal, Yellow and Grey.
This is another small (2-5/8" x 4") card cut from a junk mail advertisement.
I began by swiping the three colors in various places across the card.
When that dried, I used a stencil to add the deeper, teal-blue design. I also added a few yellow hexagons.
To me, the lighter color near one side of the card looked like water, so I reinforced that with a bit more streaks. I added some small touches of contrasting red orange to suggest the idea of flowers.
While I was looking at what I had so far, I realized that the area next to the flowers on the right looked almost like some kind of crystal formation.
I needed a focal point, so I turned a brush mark that was the highest over the pond into the suggestion of a bird.
A bit of colored pencil, and Uniball Signo pen was added, here and there, to place a bit of detail, and reinforce some colors.
At that point, I felt it was finished, so I signed my name.
I created about a dozen of these swipe cards during my session, so perhaps more will be finished throughout the week. If not, they will be added to my stack of partially finished cards for later use.