This week, I challenged the members of the Micro Art Journaling group on Facebook to create a page or layout that included the color green, with the theme of healing.
It’s a stressful time, and we need to think about taking care of ourselves. It is important to maintain as much inner peace and calm as possible, along with taking care of ourselves and our community.
Because of this, I’ve chosen to create a “glue book” style layout using colors chosen to represent watermelon tourmaline. This is the stone of the heart chakra, and represents healing for health, emotions and spirit.
Right now, I’m loving little succulents. Looking at them brings me joy. Lots of soft pillows express the feelings of comfort and coziness. Cooking and serving healthy food at home is fun when you share the process and results with family. And the meditative figure brings calm.
Use your art to heal your spirit.
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