This is the other side, with the page flipped over to the left. Again, I chose to put these similar pages (yesterday’s and today’s) back to back and use them together because of the similar colors, icons and theme. I also added the metallic paper, between the two pages, that shows through the square holes along one edge of each layout.
The tag in this pocket says “LIVE WITH PASSION” and features wooden butterfly wings and a tiny key.
We had previously had a discussion about my tangling around the borders or in other places on her pages. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to do that, because I kind of wanted to have NO tangling in this project. It’s not that I don’t like it, but I just wanted to do something else for a change.
Instead, Judy added some symbols from her personal iconography around the edges on the page yesterday and today. I think they are perfect, and help to transition to the next layout, which you will see tomorrow!
After I chose the dark background papers with the white areas, Judy added the collage and paint, stamping and spatters to them.
Left: Judy Wood
Right: Judy Wood