This layout serves as the introduction to the “Shrine” prompt. I think we all found this one difficult to work with because it could be interpreted so many different ways.
I chose to make two layouts, both somewhat related, for this prompt.
This is the first one, which in addition to being the introduction, is also a shrine to the past. It is about my childhood and events and people I remember fondly.
The white overlaid white deli paper contains hand-written journaling which reads:
Dearest Jackie,
Do you remember when we rode the Irish Mail all around the gardens? When you got tired, you would park it by the wall and stand on the handle bars and talk to Mr. Buckbee next door. He loved seeing your little blonde, curly head pop up over the bricks.
I miss you.Love,
Your Sister
I used it to tame down a very bright background, filled with leaves, flowers and musical notations. I then added some other elements, including the Joyfulland spool top, cigar bands, and cats, that relate to the person I journaled about.
Other words on the left page are:
In the garden
in memory of
miracles happen when you believe
A Sensitive Soul
things are not what they seem
His curiosity fully awake
On the right page:
An eccentric, but very estimable gentleman.
it’s always the small pieces that make the big picture
Left: Tandika Star
Right: Tandika Star