My handwriting is really bad. Actually, it’s so bad that I print everything. So, I’ve decided to do something about it.
I recently purchased a new fountain pen. It is a Pilot Custom 92. It has a really nice, flexible nib which is great for adding line weight while drawing. I also purchased a bottle of Noodler’s Zhivago ink. This is a beautiful, very dark green color.
So, I decided to combine my need to improve my handwriting with time to break in and use my new pen every day.
I’ve started out with a grade-school book for learning and practicing cursive writing. So I am practicing on sheets every day.
I have an ultimate goal of learning calligraphy. I figure it will take a few years, but that’s OK.
I’ll let you know how it goes!
#noodlersink #fountainpen #pilotpens