I decided to take the Tiny Museum Workshop from Daisy Yellow ! It’s a lot of fun, and I can recommend it to anyone who isn’t sure how to work with gouache and/or watercolor. You’ll get plenty of practice using either (or both!) in this series.
I decided to take it because it looked like fun, and I wanted to learn more about working with watercolors to create tiny, abstract art journaling pages.
Above, you can see my results from the first painting exercise. Note, however… I didn’t exactly follow the instructions. Rather than working on a page with many hand-drawn boxes, I cut out page-sized pieces of watercolor paper and tried out various ideas on each piece.
This was a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to doing more exercises. What I learned so far, is that I’m not a fan of the Koi watercolor set for this project. The colors just were not intense enough.
When I figured that out, I switched to the Daniel Smith Ultimate Mixing set. That produced much better results, even though I had to mix most of the colors I wanted to use. These paints contain much better pigmentation allowing for more experimentation.
I have a Winsor Newton set that I’m going to pull out and try on the next batch. I’ve had it for a long time, but I’ve done very little with it. I remember it as working well, but it’s been years. Hopefully, it’s still usable!
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