I decided to use the side that had a bit more mahogany coloring to make the cover! I absolutely love the way this turned out. Although it doesn’t show up in the photo above, there are some metallic touches on the gears. They’re subtle, so you have to move it about in the light to actually see them easily.

This photo came out distorted, but the cover actually is a real rectangle. I just wanted you to be able to see the entire cover. This time, the camera picked up a little of the metallic.

This is the largest size cover I can cut using my current tools. B8 size* inserts fit perfectly. Right now, there are three inserts in it, but there’s actually room for 4. I’m going to find my fountain pen paper tomorrow to make the last one.
Note: B8 size is slightly larger than a credit card all the way around.
I’m very happy with the way this turned out. It was time consuming, but not difficult to create. Now, I’m going to start using it to see how well this material will hold up to every day handling. Stay tuned for future developments!
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