This set is the last set for this month! I decided that during the month of February, I wanted to work with the colors red, pink and brown as primary colors. The themes and shapes to work with will be love, sweetheart, valentine, heart, chocolate, candy, flowers, and lace. I am planning to work in some nostalgic epherema and bits of collage.
I liked these these papers because they weren’t too old fashioned, or too modern. I think they embody a happy medium between the two.

In this picture, you can see the inside of the cover and pocket folders. I added a lot of stamping and inking to the inside of the cover, and a bit to a couple of the folders. I plan to do more as the month progresses.
I love using these little Traveler’s as my month’s art journal. I can pop it in my pocket along with a couple of pens and pencils, or a small watercolor kit and work on it almost anywhere, from the Dentist’s office to the book store!
If you are interested in having your own Nano Traveler’s Notebook Set, just contact me on Facebook !
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