I have several different Traveler’s Notebooks. Some, I’ve bought and some I’ve made. They range in size from the classic Midori down to passport and I even have some that are teeny, tiny.
What I didn’t have was one that was really small, but still big enough to actually journal in. So I made one.

I realize it looks huge in the image above, but the inserts are only 3" high by 2" wide. So that still falls into the micro book category. A standard Micro Traveler’s Notebook is approximately 4-1/8" high by 2-7/8" wide.
I decided to laminate it because I use it very often at restaurants while I’m waiting for my food, or in the studio, which can get really messy at times. With the plastic protection, I can just wipe spills off of it.

I used eyelets in the holes because I wanted the pop of color on the dark grey cover. And I think the pink looks good with the elastic, too.

There are 4 elastic bands, so this cover can hold 4+ booklets, pockets, dashboards or other related items. Each of the booklets in it you see above has 4 pages of heavy printer paper plus the card-stock cover. I like to journal one week in each booklet, then I archive them together when I change months.

The above picture is a better representation of the color, and you can see what the outside looks like.

The pattern on the inside is a retro fashion print. I love this design! It’s fun and kitschy. Plus, I like the idea of the fashion design because I used to sew all the time.

Here are all the parts, so far. You can see the colors of the instert covers.
I will be making wrap-around pocket folders with the papers you see here. The designs on them are also haute couture related.
I’ll have to give you an update, because I didn’t get them done yesterday. I need to work out the pattern for them, so it takes a bit of time. But once I have it, they’re easy to make.
I already know that there is enough room on the pages for my style of journaling because I did a test of this all last month. I did the entire month of October in less space than I have allowed for each day in these!
I’m looking forward to using this. I stopped carrying my Webster’s Pages Personal TN everywhere because it didn’t fit in my pocket and I had to have a purse. Now, I won’t need to do that!
#journaling #travelersnotebook #microtravelernotebook #microsizetn #tnlife #tnplanner