I want to take this time to thank everyone who’s followed my art journey over the years. It has, over time, taken various twists and turns (and even a few hard lefts and reversals.)
I love looking back over what I’ve accomplished and somewhat stunned: I did THAT?
But throughout it all, there are some of you who’ve been there on almost every step… encouraging, suggesting, helping and enabling.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I am so grateful for your support! I love you, each and every one!
About this page: “There Is No Place Like Home”, 8-1/2" x 11" mixed media. It’s been a long time since I’ve done a lot of art journal stamping. This page is a multi-step, multi-layered process. The dark leaf in the center is shrink-art. Each of the stamps was done by masking and combining the “frame” with another stamp. After coloring, they were cut out and glued to the composition. The large maple leaves were stamped, colored and cut, then attached. Various cancellations were attached to the background. Watercolors were used. Just lots of fun activities and layers.
Happy Thanksgiving,