I loved my teeny, DIY, Traveler’s Notebook so much, that I decided to purchase a commercially made one with a leather cover from Amazon.

It arrive in a tiny box! I thought this was really adorable. When I opened it up, the book was inside.

The book itself is very nice, although I thought the cover was just a bit too thick in proportion to the size. However, I’m ok with it because it will probably last forever.

It came with the double bookmark ribbons, and a tiny charm.

It is a little bit bigger, and the booklets inside are also a bit bigger, than the one I made. That’s ok with me, I think I will like the bigger pages to make art on.

It has two elastics and two rather thick books in it.

I found this little bag at Starbucks… designed to hold a gift card. It’s a perfect size to put my tiny book in so that it doesn’t get messed up in my purse or pocket.
It also happened that the tag for the bag was held on with an elastic string. So I saved the string, tied the ends together and turned it into a “buddy band” for my book!
This book is from Chris W. on Amazon and it was listed at $11.99. They are available in several different colors of leather.
It might be fun to get another one, and customize the leather cover!
I’m off to make a booklet for it with multi-media paper to use as another tiny art journal! Or maybe I’ll tangle in the next one!
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