I’m starting a new insert for a Chris.W micro Traveler's Notebook . I am using an insert that I made, rather than one that came with the book.
This time, I’ve chosen the theme of Monsters, in particular, the ones that I have vanquished. Everyone has “monsters” in their lives. They are both internal and external.
Some of them are the voices in our heads that try to tell us that we can’t do something. Or whisper to us that we are fat, ugly or stupid.
Some of them are fears we have to face, such as flying, or being alone.
There are also some people who tell us what we can or can’t do, or that we can’t be who or what we are, or what we aspire to is unreachable. Perhaps they are monsters that we must learn to overcome or ignore. They are dream stealers. They can be monsters, large or small.
This book is dedicated to everyone out there who’s picked up their metaphorical sword and started slashing!
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