I have a great deal of difficulty with handwriting. When I was in High School, my English teacher asked me to write out my homework, like everyone else. So I did, I handed in a paper in my best, carefully done handwriting. The next day, she told me I had permission to print, or type from then on. She couldn’t read my paper.
So, I get it. I understand that you might be afraid to write on your page. BUT do it anyway. On these pages, I wrote the entire background. By hand. Using a pen that was kind of wonky because the ink didn’t flow evenly. And with mistakes. And with misspellings.
And you know what? The world didn’t end!
If you can’t write, print. It works for me. I’ve learned to print in a way that is regular and legible. I actually have 4 “fonts” that I can print! Woot! But this did take practice… everything from printing shopping lists to forms to notes.
Another option would be to use your computer to print out your words on paper and then cut them out and glue them to your page. Here’s a tip: print words on stickers or sticker paper! I actually did this for this spread. I have an antique Brother P-Touch QL-500 , so I printed the words on a sticker, cut them apart and added them to the pages.
In some cases, you can use word stamps to add words. But I do realize, tiny letters are a bit hard to come by!
But don’t let yourself be intimidated into not using words, or saying what you want on your pages! Where there’s a will, there IS a way!
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