Every artist and writer has times when the Blank Page Monster takes over and they just can’t get started!
For me, I slay this monster by using a pencil, and drawing a border lightly around the page. Then I write, lightly, what I’m planning on doing on the page. That’s usually enough to get me going.
If I don’t really have a plan, and I just want to do something… I grab my watercolors and paint in the background. A nice gradient, or fade between a few colors is always fun.
If I want to do something a bit wild and crazy, I grab some water-based markers and scribble on a zip lock bag. I give it a couple of spritz of misty water and then put my paper on it and smoosh it around. This always gives my interesting patterns that I can play with when they are dry!
So, to slay your blank page, come up with a couple ways to over come it that you can keep in your back pocket for “those days”!
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