The first step in figuring out how to make my micro art journal from the parts I showed you yesterday was to figure how to make the inserts, and what size they should be.
Next, I selected Canson Mixed Media paper to use as the pages. I chose this paper because I already know it handles wet media well. It is the paper that I use to make Gelli plate prints. I’ve also used it in spiral notebook form as art journals.
After that, I needed a new way to assemble the booklets. For the test micro art journal inserts, I used staples. I didn’t like them because they were bulky, and it’s hard to get them in exactly the right place. This time, I decided to sew the booklets with craft thread using a saddle stitch. I put the knot on the outside, which is not normally how this is done. However, because the booklet is so small, I didn’t want the knot to interfere with creating art in the center spread. Also, they won’t be visible when the inserts are in the cover.
I made a template that is the right size for the cover and pages, and made tiny holes to mark the sewing points in the centers. I used a needle to make the holes in each page, then I sewed them all together.
I love the paper I found to use as the covers. I was searching through my stash, looking for craft paper when I came across it. It’s just perfect!
So now, I have assembled four little booklets, which is approximately a month’s worth of micro art journaling!
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