Are you familiar with Inktober? It is a month long challenge started by Jake Parker designed to instill in artists a daily, ink-drawing habit. You can read all about it (and get the list for this year) from the Inktober website .
There is also a tangled version of Inktober. The list of prompts for that are here .
I’m starting a new Journal Junkies Art Journal on October 1, so I’ve cheated a bit and added in my calendar and a few other pages already. I’ll be using it for several things, including whatever I do for Inktober.
You see two the two prompts, The brown ones are the names of tangles for the Tangling Inktober and the green are for the Official Inktober List.
I’m sorry parts of the image are a bit blurry, scanning a book page is always a bit strange. However, this is just a teaser… more to come!