If you are in the Phoenix metro area, you can take Zentangle classes from me! If you are anywhere in the world, you can STILL take classes from me! (See the bottom of this post!)

Thursday, August 16, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Thursday, August 23, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Beginners 1: Introduction to Zentangle Class
Zentangle is a simple-to-learn, relaxing, meditative way to create beautiful art by drawing structured patterns, one stroke at a time. Unlike other art forms, there are no mistakes in Zentangle. You do not have to have any art, drawing or tangling experience to succeed in this class. If you can print the letters i-c-s-o, you can tangle.
In the introduction to Zentangle Class, you will learn the philosophy, method and approach to creating Zentangle art. You’ll walk away with a completed tile, an understanding of the Zentangle Method, the knowledge of how to create several tangles, shading techniques, all needed basic supplies and a resource list that will have you up and tangling and wanting to know more.
This class has limited space, so to reserve a place, either call or email Eudora as soon as you can.
Location: Good Gifts Healing Arts Studio
1825 E. Northern Ave. Suite 253
Phone: 480 499 0522 or email: eudora@healingartstudio.org
Time: 2.5 hours
Fee: $15 studio time + $5 for supplies
All supplies will be provided

Thursday, August 16, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Thursday, August 23, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Beginners 2: New Strokes
This is the second class in the Beginner’s Introduction to Zentangle Series. In this class, you will learn four new tangles that incorporate new, simple strokes. A new tile size, color and paper are introduced. You will use the tangles to complete a small artwork and the new paper to create a three-dimensional project, taking both home with you at the end of the class.
Please bring your Zentangle kit (received at the Introduction to Zentangle Class) with you, as you will be using the pen, pencil and tortillon you received in that class. New things will be added to your kit in this session.
Requirements: You must have completed the Introduction to Zentangle Class.
This class has limited space, so to reserve a place, either call or email Eudora as soon as you can.
Location: Good Gifts Healing Arts Studio
1825 E. Northern Ave. Suite 253
Phone: 480 499 0522 or email: eudora@healingartstudio.org
Time: 2.5 hours
Fee: $15 studio time + $5 for supplies
All supplies will be provided
If this schedule doesn’t work for you, please see my regular schedule on the Classes page ! It doesn’t matter where you are, I can arrange a schedule that works for YOU!