She stared up at the ceiling, trying to clear her mind. It was time to decide on a direction. Her ship was ready, but she was hesitating.
This is an interesting tile, from my perspective. Those of you who have been following my art for a while, know that sometimes I create random tiles and write a few lines of a story to go with them. They are always from the perspective of a female person, one that is travling around the universes in some kind of a ship, exploring various planets. Up until now, the actual person has never been seen.
Here, she has been revealed. Her head is from a tangle called Caral, by Sandy Steen Bartholomew, one of the first CZTs. Her hair is also by Sandy, a tangle she named Gust. In all the time that I have been writing about this mysterious astronaut, I have never randomly drawn the tangle Caral from the tangle jar. But suddenly, she has appeared today. So, I’ve chosen to follow the muse and include her in the tile along with the other random tangles.
Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Vellum Bristol using a black, Micron pen. Shading done with graphite pencil.