Hints of spring.
The patio by the pond was clear of snow. The air was brisk, but the sun shone brightly. She donned the fur-lined cape and boots and headed out to see the frozen lily pads as they thawed. The new buds among the fallen pods added their bright green hue to the rusty brown landscape.
This is my first “standard” Zentangle of the year. I set up with a border and string, then I select the tangles at random. I never know what I will get. It’s always fun to make them fit together and see what I end up with. When the tile is done, I sit and look at it surprised at the end results. There is often a story that emerges, as if reading a book in my mind, with the tile as an illustration.
For this tile, my husband “saw” the scene for the story quite distinctly when I showed the finished Zentangle to him. So I have chosen to weave his scene into the narrative.
Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Vellum Bristol using a black, Micron pen. Shading done with graphite pencil.