This tile is from Project Pack 2, The Twelve Days of Zentangle. On day two, we are using two Zentangle tiles.

The first tile, which is black, has a hole cut in the center. Then tangling is done around the empty space. I added red metallic gel pen dots around the center frame and I used a grey metallic gel pen to fill in the spaces in the Flux. Metallic ink just doesn’t show up very well in photographs, unfortunately!

The center, white tile is then created with “ribbons” in each corner which are later cut with an exacto knife to accommodate the corners of the black tile. I chose to use Toodles instead of the Poke-Leaf suggested in the video.

After the two tiles are combined, you have an interesting, 3D-Zentangle!
As you can see in this close up, I had a bit of trouble with the gold gel pen. It had a very thick tip and a high flow, so I ended up not having as fine a control over the dots I added to the center section as I would have liked.

Over all, though, this was a fun project. I would like to make some more of these, possibly in color!
If you would like to create your own, the first video showing how to make the raised portion is here . The second video, showing you how to create the bottom tile and how to assemble the project is located here .
Zentangle drawn on black and a white official Zentangle tile using a black, Micron PN pen, a white, Sakura gel pen and a gold, Sakura gel pen. Shading done with graphite and colored pencil. White charcoal pencil was used for highlighting.