This tile is a direct result of following the instructions on the blog post for the First Day of the 12 Days of Zentangle over at zentangle.com .
The purpose of this exercise was to draw each of the tangles that are used to teach a brand new person how to tangle. The most common tangles used for a beginner’s tile are Crescent Moon and Hollibaugh and they are often followed by Florz (or Bales) and Printemps. However, we are instructed to draw each of the tangles with a “twist.” For example, Cresent Moon is drawn using triangles and angled auras, and Hollibaugh is drawn so that the strips look more like roots and are intertwined with each other.
In addition to the given instructions, the concept of “Outside the Box” is also used. A box in the center of the tile is part of the string and the main tangles are all drawn outside of it, creating a frame around the center.
Another difference is that the tangling goes all the way to the very edge of the tile. Something that I don’t do very often, and is not taught on a first tile.
The last challenge here was to use the new Pigma Micron PN (plastic nib) pen from Sakura. The nib on this pen is very different from the standard nib we normally use. The stroke is a lot stronger because the ink flows smoothly out of the pen. It is also possible to vary the width by changing the pressure, creating some initial line weighting as you draw.
Over all, it was a fun exercise, if not a magnificent work of art. Keep in mind that there are multiple reasons to tangle… and to just have fun and relax is just as valid as any other!
Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Vellum Bristol using a black, Pigma Micron PN pen. Shading done with graphite pencil.