From the Zentangle Primer: Lesson 3, page 55, Exercise #8.
For this string exercise we were to go “beyond the string,” and push past boundaries.
I used the string as more of a comfort zone than as an actual string. I created the big Verdigogh “leaf” first, placing the central rib along a curved line that was part of my string. But I extended it past the outer bounding box. Next, I added the sprinkling of Printemps here and there, just at random, having nothing at all to do with the original string. The Poke Leaf sections were then added to approximately opposite corners and finally the Florz section was used to ad a bit of geometric precision to an other-wise free-flowing design.
Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Vellum Bristol using a black, Micron pen. Shading done with graphite pencil.