From the Zentangle Primer: Exercise 2, page 33.
For this tile, we were told to select two tangles and to alter or combine them to create a new tanglation.
I chose to use Printemps and used it to create the strips for Hollibaugh. This ended up presenting a challenge, because it was difficult to distinguish edges where the strips crossed over each other. I ended up outlining each strip with a wider-nibbed pen to create stronger edges.
Next, I filled each space with the grid for Florz, but again, I added a single Printemps spiral to each section. I discovered they really needed to be quite a bit larger to provide contrast. You can see, in the lower, right, how they almost blend into the Hollibaugh.
Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Vellum Bristol using a black, Micron pen. Shading done with graphite pencil. Highlights added with gel pen.