Day 2.
For this day, we are adding three new tangles to our repertoire: Fescu, Nekton and Knight’s Bridge. We were also instructed to practice making various strings.
For Amanda’s tile above, as you can see, her string is much more complex than on Day 1. She also used areas of repeated tangles to tie everything together.

Matthew did a wonderfully curvy string that gave him an interesting open space to fill with graceful Fescu! He decided to forgo any shading on his tile this time, because he felt it made his tile from the first day too muddy. I will be seeing him on Saturday, so I will give him a couple of shading tricks that should help him out.

This is my tangle for Day 2. I stretched out the limitations a bit here, and used Tipple to decorate a Purk. Other than that, though, it was just a matter of placement in the string. I had fun creating little Fescu tassels at the peaks of the Static area. I was also very pleased with the cross-hatching I used to fill in the Knight’s Bridge. This is the first time I’ve done something like this.
Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Vellum Bristol using a black, Micron pen. Shading done with graphite pencil.