I remember September 11, 2001 very clearly. My husband called from work to tell me about the first plane hitting the tower. My immediate reaction was “Oh, you must be seeing a scene from a movie.” He wasn’t. I immediately turned on the television and could see it for myself. I remember when the second plane hit the towers. I remember watching the towers collapse and knew there were still people in them.
I remember seeing all those first responders running towards the disaster instead of away. I remember that they were so determined to dig through all of the rubble to make sure no one was leeft behind. So many of them are paying for their heroism with their lives. My heart aches for all of them.
I remember the plane crashing into the Pentagon. I knew someone who worked there and had a child in day care. I kept wondering through out the day if they were OK.
I remember what it was like before so much changed for us as Americans. I remember when you didn’t have to go through intense scrutiny and security to fly on a plane. I remember when seeing a back pack leaning up against a mail box didn’t fill people with fear. I remember not automatically looking for the exits in every building I go in.
I will never forget.
Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Vellum Bristol using a black, Micron pen. Background color created with Zig Clean Color Brush marker. Shading done with Copic markers and colored pencil. Pilot Juice gel pen used for highlights.