I needed a way to both practice and to have some kind of encyclopedia of the tangles that I use. So now, I use these tangle trading cards. I‘m not sure exactly where this design came from, but I‘m sure if you look on the internet you can find something that will work for you.
These are set up on an 8-1/2″ by 11″ format, 9 cards to the page, in a .pdf file on my computer so I can print them out on inexpensive card stock whenever I need more.
My cards are the same size as traditional trading cards, so they fit in the binder pages that are used to hold them.

And all the pages can go in a standard ring binder. This gives me a book that I can look through and quickly find a pattern that I like, or find the name of a tangle that I forgot. If you‘re really into it, you could use them as flash cards to memorize the names!
If I choose, I can make several cards of one design and give them out to friends with my personal and website information written on the back.
I really like this system, and hope you find this idea useful!